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Washington Community Fellowship seeks to fund and support missional activities as part of its call to embrace and proclaim God’s saving love. WCF allocates a portion of its annual budget to financially support full time missionaries, mission organizations, and the missional activities of members of our congregation. WCF makes distributions through two funds: The Local Missions Fund and the Global Missions Fund.

The Global Missions Fund

The Global Missions Fund is designed to provide one-time or ongoing grants to organizations with a missional focus that aligns with WCF’s vision or to an individual associated with such an organization.

WFC has supported organizations like MCC Disaster Relief and the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center and missionaries affiliated with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Coalition for Christian Outreach, among others. Individuals applying for funds do not need to be affiliated with WCF, but their application must be sponsored by a WCF member or regular attender.

The Local Missions Fund

The Local Missions Fund is designed to fund initiatives that engage WCF members or regular attenders in relational ministry in the Washington, DC area. Funding may be given to an organization or to an individual who simply see a need in their local community and has an idea for how to meet that need. This could include things like a group of members purchasing toiletries for their homeless neighbors, gathering neighbors to host a block party, or starting a community garden.

Applicants to the LMF are encouraged to think creatively about how they can meet the needs they see in their community, and how that can be done in a way that promotes lasting relationships and the extension of the Kingdom of God. Activities funded by the LMF must involve or be organized by a WCF member or regular attender, and must have the Washington, DC metro area as their geographic focus.


To learn more about the Global Missions Fund and Local Missions Fund, click here for more information. 

To apply for funding from the Global Missions Fund or Local Missions Fund, please email to request an application.



Community Supported Agriculture
Volunteer for Sustainability

For several years, WCF has been a host site for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) organization called Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative. This CSA offers weekly delivery of 2 different sizes of certified organic vegetable shares, along with options for fruit, eggs, meat, chicken, flower, herb, bread and cheese shares as well as an online CSA store. The season runs 26 weeks, and WCFers help staff the CSA pickup each week.

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